The "No Network is 100% Secure" series
- The Aurora Power Grid Vulnerability -
A White Paper
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What is the Aurora vulnerability?: Aurora is a vulnerablity to cyber attacks
that could sabotage critical systems that provide electricity including the nationwide
power grid. This vulnerability effects control systems that operate rotating
machinery such as pumps, turbines and so on. The vulnerability of the nation's
electrical grid to computer attack is due in part to steps taken by power companies
to transfer control of generation and distribution equipment from internal networks
to supervisory control and data acquisition, or SCADA, systems that can be accessed
through the Internet or by phone lines.
The move to SCADA systems boosts efficiency at utilities because it allows workers to
operate equipment remotely. But this access to the Internet exposes these once-closed
systems to cyber attacks. So far, incidents of hackers breaking into control systems
to cause damage or outages have been scarce although there have been a few. However,
the threat of such damage makes
control systems an alluring target for extortionists, terrorists, unfriendly
governments and others.
Electric utilities, pipelines, railroads and oil companies use remotely controlled
and monitored valves, switches and other mechanisms that are vulnerable to attack.
In a dramatic video-taped demonstration of the Aurora vulnerability recorded in 2006,
engineers at Idaho National Labs showed how the weakness could be exploited to cause
any spinning machine connected to the power grid -- such as a generator, pump or
turbine -- to self-destruct. These attacks could easily be carried out on
vulnerable equipment using the Internet.
Costs and time are frequently given as the reasons for not locking down these complex
networks. Many plant operators consider it unlikely that an attacker would be able
manipulate or damage control systems, as most of these systems run on obscure hardware
powered by highly specialized communications standards. However, this
"security-by-obscurity" defense is gradually eroding, as a number of utilities are
upgrading from older, legacy systems to operating systems more familiar to the
average hacker, such as Microsoft Windows and Linux.
The GAO issued a vulnerability report on May 21, 2008 regarding the Tennessee Valley
Authority, the nation's largest public utility company. The GAO found that TVA's
Internet-connected corporate network was linked with systems used to control power
production, and that security weaknesses pervasive in the corporate side could be
used by attackers to manipulate or destroy vital control systems. As a wholly owned
federal corporation, TVA must meet the same computer security standards that govern
computer practices and safeguards at federal agencies. As of 5/21/2008 it apparently
did not. The GAO also warned that computers on TVA's corporate network lacked
security software updates and anti-virus protection, and that firewalls and intrusion
detection systems on the network were easily bypassed and failed to record suspicious
The task of gauging the electric sector's true progress in mitigating the Aurora
vulnerability has fallen to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. In January 2008,
FERC approved eight mandatory reliability standards to protect bulk power systems
against disruptions from cyber-security breaches. The agency has the authority to fine
plants up to $1 million a day for violations of those standards, but the industry has
until 2010 to demonstrate compliance with the new rules.
Security experts contend that existing standards contain loopholes and don't
adequately protect critical power systems. For example, telecommunications equipment
is excluded, even though there are documented cases of computer worms shutting off
service from control systems to substations. There are security experts in the power
industry who recognize the threat from cyber vulnerabilities like Aurora, but who
claim they don't have the funding or the authority to do much about it.
FAA Air Traffic Control system vulnerability: While not an aurora vulnerability
per se, a recent USDOT report stated that the nation's air traffic
control systems are vulnerable to cyber attacks. Support systems have been breached
in recent months allowing hackers access to personnel records and network servers,
according to a government audit.
The Transportation Department's inspector general concluded that although most of the
attacks disrupted only support systems, they could spread to the operational systems
that control communications, surveillance and flight information used to separate
aircraft. The report noted several recent cyber attacks, including a February
incident when hackers gained access to personal information on about 48,000 current
and former Federal Aviation Administration employees, and an attack in 2008 when
hackers took control of some FAA network servers.
Auditors said the FAA is not able to adequately detect potential cyber security
attacks, and it must better secure its systems against hackers and other intruders.
"In our opinion, unless effective action is taken quickly, it is likely to be a matter
of when, not if, ATC (air traffic control) systems encounter attacks that do serious
harm to ATC operations," the auditors said.
According to the report, the FAA received 800 cyber incident alerts during the fiscal
year that ended Sept. 30, 2008, and more than 150 were not resolved before the year
finished. Fifty of those, the auditors said, had been open for more than three months,
"including critical incidents in which hackers may have taken over control" of some
computers. Officials tested Internet-based systems that are used to provide
information to the public. The tests found nearly 4,000 "vulnerabilities,"
including 763 viewed as "high risk." The vulnerabilities including weak passwords,
unprotected file folders, and other software problems.
These weaknesses could allow hackers or internal FAA workers to gain access to air
traffic systems, and possibly compromise computers there or infect them with malicious
codes or viruses.
BIOS is also vulnerable to modern malware attacks:
Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), a firmware run by a computer at the time of boot-up, is
increasingly targeted by malware attacks as modern hackers having administrative OS
rights are effectively conducting BIOS updates or BIOS on the Internet to load
customized low-level firmware. Recently, experts have shown how BIOS malware could be
used to attack multiple operating systems and infect different kinds of motherboards.
According to them, BIOS-based malicious software can disseminate not just on various
OSs, but also by a number of hardware. These attacks are hard to identify and block.
Earlier during March 2009 at the Vancouver CanSecWest security conference, researchers
Anibal Sacco and Alfredo Ortega of Core Security Technologies Inc. performed a general
BIOS attack that could push malware inside various BIOS types, as reported by search
security on June 18, 2009.
Terrorist attacks:
Terrorists groups could soon use the internet to help set off a devastating nuclear
attack, according to research done by the International Commission on Nuclear
Non-proliferation and Disarmament (ICNND). Their study suggests that under the right
circumstances, terrorists could break into computer systems and launch an attack on a
nuclear state triggering a catastrophic chain of events that would have a global
impact. Without better protection of computer and information systems, the paper
states, governments around the world are leaving open the possibility that a
well-coordinated cyberwar could quickly elevate to nuclear levels. In fact, this may
be an easier alternative for terrorist groups than building or acquiring a nuclear
weapon or dirty bomb themselves. Though the paper admits that the media and
entertainment industries often confuse and exaggerate the risk of cyberterrorism, it
also outlines a number of potential threats and situations in which dedicated hackers
could use information warfare techniques to make a nuclear attack more likely. While
the possibility of a radical group gaining access to actual launch systems is remote,
the study suggests that hackers could focus on feeding in false information further
down the chain or spreading fake information to officials in a carefully orchestrated
strike. "Despite claims that nuclear launch orders can only come from the highest
authorities, numerous examples point towards an ability to sidestep the chain of
command and insert orders at lower levels," said Jason Fritz, the author of the paper.
"Cyber-terrorists could also provoke a nuclear launch by spoofing early warning and
identification systems or by degrading communications networks." Since these systems
are not as well-protected as those used to launch an attack, they may prove more
vulnerable to attackers who wish to tempt another nation into a nuclear response.
Cyberspace is real, and so is the risk that comes with it. Online attacks are one of
the most serious economic and national security challenges we face. However, the study
suggests that although governments are increasingly aware of the threat of cyberwar
with other nations, action to bolster those defenses does not alleviate the threat of
a rogue group that circumvented the expected strategies for online warfare. "Just as
the 9/11 attacks were an unprecedented attack with unconventional weapons, so too could
a major cyber attack," it says.
Hacking the 'smart grid': The race to build a "smarter" electrical grid could
have a dark side. Security experts are starting to show the dangers of equipping homes
and businesses with new meters that enable two-way communication with utilities.
There are many benefits to upgrading the nation's electricity networks, which is why a
smart-grid movement was already revving up before the recent economic recovery package
included $4.5 billion for the technology. Smarter grids could help conserve energy by
giving utilities more control over and insight into how power flows. But there are
potential problems with moving too fast.
The risks are similar to what happens when computers are linked over the Internet. By
exploiting weaknesses in the way computers talk to each other, hackers can seize control
of innocent people's machines. In the case of the power grid, better communication
between utilities and the meters at individual homes and businesses raises the
possibility that someone could control the power supply for a single building, an entire
neighborhood, or worse. For example, a computer worm could give miscreants remote
control of the meters, which would let them take advantage of a utility's ability to,
for example, disconnect someone's power for not paying his bill. A key vulnerability
has been found in devices made by an unnamed manufacturer. But once infected, a worm
could spread to other manufacturers' products that use the same communications
technologies and can be used to remotely disconnect people's power.
To get the computer worm going, a hacker might have to get physical access to one of
the meters in order to program it with malicious code. That could start a chain reaction
in which the worm spreads meter to meter over the grid's communication network. This
hack might also be done remotely, if the traffic on the network isn't encrypted.
More than 50 million smart meters are expected to be deployed by U.S. electric utilities
by 2015, according to a list of publicly announced projects kept by The Edison
Foundation. More than 8 million have already been deployed.
About the Author
Frank Saxton is a computer network security engineer and Easyrider LAN Pro principle.
Home-based in Portland, Oregon, Frank has been designing remote diagnostic and
network enterprise monitoring centers since the late 1970s. Prior to becoming a
professional systems engineering consultant in 1990, Frank had a 20 year career
in computer systems field engineering and field engineering management. Frank
has a BSEE from Northeastern University and holds several certifications including
Network General's Certified Network Expert (CNX). As a NOC design engineer and
architect, Frank works regularly with enterprise-class monitoring tools such as
HP Openview Operations, BMC Patrol and others. In his enterprise security
audit work, Frank uses sniffers and other professional grade monitoring tools on a
daily basis.
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Are you vulnerable to drive-by exploits?
High value sites recent hacks
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Easyrider LAN Pro Consulting services:
Network Security Audit and PC Tune-up service
- Proxy server installation and configuration
- Enterprise security consultations
- Disaster recovery planning
- Disaster recovery services
- Capacity, migration and upgrade planning
- Build and deploy central syslog server
- Build trouble ticket systems
- Design and build monitoring environments
- Design and build Network Operations Centers (NOC)
- HP Openview, BMC Patrol consulting
Last modified March 25, 2009
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